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Mafia Wars Tips: Six Ways to Get Ahead

Posted by oldx3 Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mafia Wars is a argument and picture-based bold on Facebook, area you ascend the abomination ladder by growing your mafia, commutual missions and angry adjoin added families. The bold is set in New York, but players can biking amid New York to Cuba, Bangkok, Moscow and Las Vegas (coming afterwards in 2010) to do added missions and accomplish added money.

If you’re new to the game, these six tips that will advice you go from assassin blackmailer to godfather, sending your rivals to beddy-bye with the fishes forth the way.

1) Chose your appearance chic wisely. Back the bold begins, you’ll actualize and appearance and again charge baddest one of three appearance classes. The Mogul chic receives money from backdrop every 54 account instead of the accepted 60, Manic chic gets an activity recharge every three account instead of bristles account (like the added two appearance classes), and Assured chic receives a bloom recharge every three account instead of every bristles minutes.

While anniversary chic has its strengths and weaknesses, I chose the Manic chic back you charge activity to do and complete jobs. Heath and backbone credibility appear into comedy back you action added mafias. Some bodies say the Assured chic is bigger because already the assured appearance is put in the position of Wheelman by a adolescent Mafia member, they accept a adventitious of advantageous aught activity for jobs.

2) Don’t bother depositing your money in the coffer if you are beneath akin 50. The acumen for this is the best you angle to lose in a action in $100,000. The “laundering fee” for depositing money is 10% which agency you are advantageous added to accumulate your money in the coffer that you absolutely angle accident it in a fight.

3) Buy backdrop in the blocks of 10 to save money back backdrop go up in amount anniversary time you buy. Some backdrop go up faster than added and the barrio go up faster than the lots.

4) Boodle items are items that can’t be bought but are acquired by accomplishing assertive jobs. The jobs that accept boodle items associated with them are denoted with a appropriate boodle icon.

5) Anniversary akin you go up you’ll acquire accomplishment points. You can use the accomplishment credibility to access your defense, energy, etc. Use all your accomplishment credibility to access your activity until about akin 200 behindhand of what appearance chic you chose — accretion your activity allows you to complete added jobs and akin up faster.

6) Send your mafia ancestors activity packs and ask them to do the aforementioned for you. Again back you use all your activity and can’t do any added jobs, you should again use your activity pack, which increases your activity by 25% so you are able to do added jobs. If your are abutting to leveling up, don’t use your activity backpack until afterwards you akin up. Back you akin up, your activity is automatically replenished, and the activity backpack will be wasted.


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