- Charles 3.5.1
- Firefox 3.5
- Flash Player 10
- Make sure you already downloaded and installed Charles Proxy
- Now , Open Charles Proxy
- Go to Ninja Saga by clicking above links
- Back to Charles, search for this line "http://app.ninjasaga.com/"
- Expand it ( by clicking it ) and you will see line "amf/"
- Right click "amf" and select "Breakpoints"
- Back to Ninja Saga, click "Invite Reward"
- The game will freeze ( it a normal ) and a "Breakpoint" tab will appear in Charles Proxy
- Click "Cancel"
- Another "Breakpoint" tab will appear
- Select "Edit Request" and choose "AMF"
- Find fb_invite_record and edit the "accepted" value to 25
- Click "Execute"
- Back to Ninja Saga , you will notice that the reward are available
- Claim reward "Genjutsu-Spint Touch"
- "Breakpoint" Tab will appear , click "Cancel"
- Another "Breakpoint" Tab will appear ,Select "Edit Request" and choose "AMF"
- Find "error" and change the value to 0 and find "status" and change the value to 1
- Click "Execute"
- Go back to the Session tab, right click "AMF" and select "Breakpoints" to DISABLE the breakpoint
- Back to Ninja Saga , click "Jutsu" , you will notice that you gain the Spirit Touch skill
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