Tools : ( Download )
- Go to Pet Society
- Go outside and bump a tree
- Open Cheat engine 5.x and choose your browser
- Make sure you do this setting/tick this following (Hex. 8 bytes , also scan read only memory)
- Scan address "81C02A0FF2FC4D8B"
- 1 address should returned
- Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
- Go down few lines find "jb xxxxxx" Right Click on it and select "Replace with code that does nothing
- New Scan address "9B840FF68524408B "
- 1 address should returned (if more than 1 address select last address)
- Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
- Find "mov eax,[eax,-24]" and change it to "mov eax,90"
- Find "mov "[ebp-24],00000001" and change it to "mov [ebp-24],0000001e"
Strictly Note : Every 30 coin, you must click add coins to save the game and to avoid mayor pop up , so use mouse recorder incase you are AFK
cannot find it patched?